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A Year of the Yamas and Niyamas

  • gallery 263 cambridge, ma (map)

in 2023 join me...

for a year of embodying the Yamas and Niyamas
through Hatha and Yin Yoga classes!

Pay what you can $10-20. Ways to pay: PayPal, Venmo, Zelle (use my email

- Hatha in person in Cambridge, MA at Gallery263 as well as online (1-2x/month) Zoom link. Monday evenings 7:15-8:30 PM EST
- Yin online only - through 5 Doors Health and Wellness every Monday 7-8 PM

what are the Yamas and Niyamas?

the concept of the Yamas and Niyamas was first documented in
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is essentially an instruction manual on how to live a yogic lifestyle and reach enlightenment.

The steps for this path to enlightenment are known as the 8 limbs of yoga.

The first 2 limbs of the 8 limbs of yoga are the Yamas and Niyamas. 

The Yamas and Niyamas are the foundation for a life as a yogi. 
They are essentially guidelines on how to live a life that promotes peace, ease and authenticity. 

Ahimsa: non-harming/non violence
Satya: truthfulness/honesty
Asteya: non-stealing
Brahmacharya: right use of energy
Aparigraha: non-greed/non-hoarding

Saucha: purity/cleanliness 
Santosha: contentment
Tapas: discipline
Svadhyaya: self-study
Ishvara Pranidhana: surrender to/ contemplation of a higher power



January 16th—February 20th and February 27th—March 13th and 27th—April 17th—May 8th and 29th


January 23rd—February 13th—March 6th—April 3rd—May 1st

Earlier Event: August 7
Meeting the Moment
Later Event: February 4
Meeting the Moment: Cambridge, MA