Instead of writing new years resolutions take a moment to choose one habitual thought you have about yourself that you’re ready to let go of.
Researchers have found that as many as 98% of the thoughts we have each day are the same thoughts we thought the day before…and the day before…and the day before…
It can be extremely challenging to implement a new years resolution when you’re thinking the same way you were thinking the year before!
Take a moment to meditate and ask yourself “what is distracting me from who I truly am?” Or “what thought is distracting me from who I want to be?” Thoughts like “I’m not good at…xyz” “My problem is…xyz” are distracting you from the reality of who you are.
Once you have chosen the thought you feel prepared to let go of you can begin to question it, challenge it, consider its opposite might be true, and then let it go.
Now notice what you feel in your body and notice your breath. Is there a physical shift when you let go of the grip a thought has on your mind?
Later this week I’ll be sharing a yin sequence and a mudra to help with the process of letting go. Stay tuned!