Post holiday rest *part 2*
Did you do the yin poses from part 1 but still feel a bit disconnected, scattered and ungrounded ? Calm and center the mind and body even more by adding the very grounding “bhu mudra” either in seated meditation before and/or after the yin poses, or even incorporate it into the yin poses.
To do the Bhu mudra simply place the tips of your peace fingers on the ground as shown in the image.
Option to add the mantra:
“my roots run deep into the center of the living earth.”
(not sure if the credit for this mantra goes to Jennifer Reis or Joseph LePage?)
Close your meditation practice or yin practice with the intention of offering some of the peace and joy you experienced in the last 20 minutes to those who made it possible for you to have these 20 undisturbed minutes to yourself 🙏