Dhyana mudra.
It’s possible you’re familiar with this mudra from paintings or statues of the Buddha.
Dhyana mudra is helpful for grounding yourself in reality and for letting illusion fall away. The right hand symbolizing wisdom rests on top of the left hand which symbolizes illusion.
This mudra is also meant to help you connect with a sense of inner peace.
The best way I can describe how I feel when practicing Dhyana mudra is “connected”. I feel connected to myself and very tuned in to what is going on in my body and mind. I find that the feeling of contact between my two thumbs keeps me focused in the present moment- especially if I rest the hands on my belly and feel the thumbs draw slightly away from one another on the inhale, and feel them press deeper into each other on the exhale.
If this is the first of my mudra posts you are reading and you have never tried a mudra I suggest starting with this one! Dhyana mudra is simple to remember how to do and can be very helpful to you in your meditation practice if you have trouble staying tuned in to the present moment.
It is said that the triangular shape formed underneath your thumbs and above your palms represents the three jewels of Buddhism: Buddha, Sangha (community) and dharma (teachings).
It is also said that Dhyana mudra helps with healing—though I think that is true of all the mudras!
To practice Dhyana mudra
1. rest hands palm face up right hand on top of left.
2. lightly bring your thumbs to touch.
Add this to the beginning or end of your yoga practice, at the beginning of your meditation practice to help focus your mind, or just sit and breathe while holding this mudra for five minutes.
Let me know if you try it!