The Miracle Is Now #thingsthatcometomeinmeditation#meditationrevelation
Miracle: “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”
To me that definition means every moment is a miracle. Can you explain your very existence? The existence of this earth? This universe?
Some of you might try to reason your way through it and talk about the big bang. Sure, we sort of understand some of how this all came to be. But what existed before the big bang? Some scientists say “the universe was an infinite stretch of an ultrahot, dense material, persisting in a steady state”. Oh ok cool, and what existed before that? Did it exist forever? How long is forever? Can you wrap your head around the idea of the possible nothingness that existed before that ultra hot dense universe?
The fact that any of this exists is some kind of miracle.
We pray, meditate, visualize, imagine, hope for miracles.
Can you feel the miracle of
the present moment
your breath
your existence
The origin of the word “miracle” is the latin “miraculum”
which means “object of wonder”
Can your very existence be
the object of your wonder?
Can you feel that every moment
is a miracle?
When I find myself grasping, striving, wanting, needing…
it relaxes me to know
the Miracle is Now.